Privacy Policy Best Practices

Even though House Ads provides a Privacy Policy (which we suggest using), we’ve developed a checklist of things that you should do when creating or updating your Privacy Policy.
In almost all cases, advertisers require that all of our Publishers have Privacy Policy, and are increasingly requesting site lists to check compliance with the following best practice principles.
Privacy Policy Best Practices:
1. Dedicated Privacy Policy Page
Lots of publishers try to squeeze their Privacy Policy in the About Us, Disclosure or Terms & Conditions pages, however, we recommend that you have a dedicated page so it can be easily located.
2. Privacy Policy URL
Once you have completed a dedicated Privacy Policy page, we recommend having a keyword-rich URL for that page like
3. Privacy Policy Link In Footer
In the footer across the entire website, publish a link to your Privacy Policy. Make it easy for people looking for your Privacy Policy to find it quickly. (This is what most major websites do!)
4. Mention your Use of Cookies
Because you use ad tags on your site, certain advertisers will utilize anonymous cookies on the user’s computer to deliver content. You should explain this within your Privacy Policy and you can even share a “cookie opt-out” link, allowing your audience to decline this type of advertising (See #5 below).
5. Provide an Opt Out Link
Its essential to provide an opt-out link for people wanting to be excluded from being advertised to via cookies.House Ads provides all opt out URLs relevant for our ad server, and we keep this up to date. Across the industry, the Network Advertising Initiative is wide reaching and well recommended.
6. Link to House Ads
This is important for people that might be interested in knowing the origin of the ads they see, so we recommend that you include a link to House Ads.
7. Provide Contact Details
For people having issues, we recommend providing a either a postal address or email address so people can contact you directly with any questions or problems they may have.
8. Don’t exclude from Search Engines
It’s important to allow search engines to show your Privacy Policy. Why? This is how a lot of people will find your Privacy Policy, especially if it can’t be found easily on your site.
For more about House Ads Privacy Policy, visit:
Why Do I Need a Privacy Policy?
House Ads makes adding a Privacy Policy Easy
We’ve created a Privacy Policy template which broadly covers all the major elements required in a Privacy Policy and is used by hundreds of publishers presently.
1. Download our Privacy Policy
2. Copy and paste the text into a new page on your site.
3. Customize or localize the text as required
4. Publish the Privacy Policy on a URL such as
5. Place a link to your Privacy Policy in the footer of your site
6. Let House Ads Publisher Support know you’ve published it
You can copy the template from here.
House Ads provides the Privacy Policy “as is” and does suggest that you seek independent advice before publishing on your website.