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What is Header Bidding?

Header Bidding is a technology that offers the ability to source bids from various demand sources (buyers) in a unified auction with the ad server. Since early 2016, we’ve significantly invested in a Header Bidding enabled Ad Serving Stack allowing dozens of buyers to get priority access by bidding on your inventory all within 300ms.

By default all publishers are automatically enabled for our own curated Header Bidding Stack built uses Prebid.JS which is a combination of Client Side and Server Side bidding.

From a deployment perspective, as soon as our Asynchronous Ad Tags are installed, Header Bidding is enabled within 3 minutes.  We designed this to be as easy as a tick box in our publisher configuration toolbox.

For larger websites that want to run their own Header Bidding or are using their own Wrapper, we also offer our a Prebid Adapter.

For more detailed information, view our Header Bidding Offering here.




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